The return of the prodigal hen’s daughter

Hi All,

Effel Doocark died last week 😦 . She hadn’t been well for a few days and just suddenly passed away on what had been the hottest day so far this year. We buried her under mum’s memory tree so that in some way, she will keep going on in the cycle of things on Serendipity Farm. We had been trying to work out how to get one of Effel’s remaining two daughters and her 7 baby chicks safely past the hordes of feral cats and over to the new chook run where they would be safe. The hen was most determined in wanting to come up to the house, after all, it had been her home when she was chick free and she was darned well going to come back here come hell or high water! Unlike Effel, she is an excellent mum, as is her sister that we also kept. Her sister hatched out 14 babies in a shrub near the old chook coop before we added the new enclosure and was easily herded into the small enclosed area that we already had for the chooks and her chicks are 8 weeks old now and we recently gave 6 of them away to someone starting out again with chooks. We see them as we drive past their new home and they are happily scratching around in their new enclosure. Effels other daughter went further afield to hatch out her brood…for further afield read at the furthest corner of the property! She hatched her babies out under the massive big oak tree that borders Glad’s and our boundary line and stayed down there for 2 weeks till they got too big to live from the insects scratched from underneath the teatree area and that was when she marched on Jericho and decided to tear down the ferals walls of expectation. She did lose 2 babies in the process but when you see how many ferals are seething around you can only begin to imagine how determined this hen was to protect her babies. This morning when Steve was opening up the coop door for the hens to come out into the enclosure he noticed that she was standing over next to the door of the enclosure and called out for me to come and help him and we managed to coral them all through the door and into the relative safety of the enclosure! Now we have 2 roosters and a single young hen that roam free on Serendipity Farm. We just have to isolate where those early morning exploratory crows are coming from and we can catch them in the act and rehouse them. Simple things make you incredibly happy :o).


This little Penstemon was grown by our friend in the witness protection from cuttings from some well established shrubs in her garden. If you want something that will keep on keeping on no matter how harsh and dry your conditions are enter the penstemon 🙂


Buddleia globosa, just one of the buddleia’s that are thriving on Serendipity Farm after a good haircut. They are wonderful shrubs that will grow in extremely arid conditions, they attract butterflies and bees and have a lovely scent…what’s not to love?


A white Buddleia davidii


Anyone for puce?


A different kind of cicada to the redeyes that have all but been eaten out of existance now. This one was lucky he was rescued from a very interested Earl who has been known to eat cicadas en masse…the only thing that saved him was he clicked and increased his “play factor” exponentially


It’s a toss-up between Earl and these little guys as to who eats the most cicada’s. This little fellow has decided that this part of the deck is his and he can be regularly seen out sunning himself

Steve has just headed back out fishing for the afternoon. He is armed with several fishing rods, a new boat rod that he picked up for $30 from Tamar Marine (free plug because you are such great blokes! 😉 ) and all sorts of stinky lurey baity things that should dump a load of fish into his little tinny should he actually feel like fishing. Steve has fallen prey to pootling about in his metal coracle…he loves nothing more than perambulating his little marine craft gently over the river surface and going exploring. I, for one, am extremely happy :o). It’s good for people to get out on their own and do something that delights them. I have all sorts of things that make me happy…simple things like reading, writing blog posts, researching, reading my rss feed, learning things, gardening…are you getting the picture? Steve is a little more superficially manly than me. Aside from his newfound love of wood and it’s possibilities he has suddenly taken interest in repurposing things and is currently repurposing an old fridge that was in the unit out the back of the home where our daughters live that had died into a wonderful cupboard and recently made a very hand gadget for storing sauce bottles so that you can get the last dregs. We are even making our very first Instructable of it! Fishing has given Steve something to do with those questing hands and that ever twitching mind…the man needs to be constantly on the go and fishing is all the
“GO” that he needs. I love that he has found something that makes him incredibly happy and this afternoon he is sailing the high seas with his sandwiches and his sense of adventure. Whether he catches a fish or not is irrelevant. He found a portal to simple happiness and is exploring his world :o)


A birds eye view of some home grown spinach and a gravity defying frozen banana in my vitamix blender


A close up of a tbs of chia seed to be added to my green smoothie after it is blended


The end result…”purest green!”

I am incredibly happy today. It might have something to do with my green smoothie cleanse that I have been undertaking since Wednesday. I feel great! I am also marvelling at how the garden is coping with “summer” and it even rained this morning. The dogs are lying on the deck in various degrees of slumber…once the sun heats them up enough they stagger, semi-comatose, inside where they flop down using the least amount of muscles into almost instant, albeit cooler, slumber. I have been out broadcasting chia seed as my last broadcasting event resulted in Nigella damascena (love-in-the-mist) growing all over the place! I am going to have to pick up some black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) to broadcast around if it grows that easily! The chia seed (Salvia hispanica) is apparently very easy to grow according to Spencer from Anthropogen

Who gave me this reply to my query as to whether or not it might grow here in Tasmania…

“I think they’d do great in your climate. It originated in the western USA, all along the California coast to Mexico. It was a major staple food of indigenous groups in the area. Extremely nutritious. I tossed a few handfuls around on the hillside around my house in California on my last visit and they’re all growing now. Very drought tolerant when established….”

And that’s enough for me to hurl seed with gay abandon! I didn’t have a little basket to skip along with but I did broadcast the seed all over the place and it had just rained so you never know…some of the seed might make it. I love the serendipity of a garden and I love how if you let them, they evolve despite your best intentions. I have changed (some might say “devolved”…) from my initial desires to have “magnificent European style cottage gardens…a tangle of gorgeousness darling…” to “bloody hell those aggies (Agapanthus africanus) are great down the driveway Steve!”…I once HATED agapanthus; to my shame…I have changed from a plant snob through necessity. I consider myself chastened and flagellated. If it will grow luxuriously and it flowers beautifully year after year and it needs minimal ANYTHING and it doesn’t grow crazily so one minute you have space and the next it is full to the brim with said species…it is welcome on Serendipity Farm! My eyes have been opened to “real gardening”…no more pretty vs. productive…if it doesn’t have 2 uses and if it can’t survive on its own and it refuses to do what it is supposed to do without all kinds of cosseting and primping it is OUT. Enter the new chance to research annuals, perennials, ground covers, shrubs, climbers and trees that are water wise, drought tolerant and that will survive a bomb blast…my new best friends are slowly starting to amass around me…chia is in, because it is drought tolerant, has lovely flowers AND it gives you amazingly nutritious seeds…vegetable amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus), ditto…could even be considered a weed should I ever get stupid enough to not harvest it but what a weed! You can eat the leaves and the seed and it can be used medicinally as well. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) has beetroot, spinach, the weed fat hen and tumbleweeds as its relatives and that qualifies it as a hardy specimen if ever I heard of one. Again I am consummately in love with gardening and the possibilities it has given us. Sometimes all it takes is a good result, a little bit of success to keep you in love with a process. I just planted some elderberries that I had dried a while ago after finding some on a shrub when we last went to the Evandale markets. I found a lot more seed that I had collected at the time and headed out to throw it to the 4 winds to allow nature to do what she will with the seed. If it grows, good on it, if it doesn’t, it wasn’t meant to. I got a new Milkwood permaculture post this morning giving a link to a wonderful free PDF about growing the right plants for our Aussie conditions to attract bees…the site is affiliated with the federal government and is called Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation. The website where you can download your own copy (remember to click “PDF Download”, the free option on the right hand side unless you want a $60 hard copy) is as follows…


Lots of previously “lost seed” now found, distributed or planted (depending on its relevance to what we are doing) and the envelopes have been shredded in my little hand turned shredder and thrown into the compost…I wonder if any of these seeds grow? It is always an adventure when you plant seeds to see just what might grow. All of these seeds are very hardy so at least some of them should germinate


A lump of oak branch that had blown down in winter 2012 that must be 100+ years old. Steve has lots of plans for this piece of wood from Bonnie Beach


The good ship “Tubby Piggins” out on the high seas in rough conditions…it is VERY lucky that I wasn’t there because I suffer from motion sickness…and would be “feeding the fishes” 😉


Steve’s clever idea to stop the frustration of trying to get the last bit of sauce out of the bottle…hang them upside down! Great idea… we just need to remember to close the lids…don’t we Steve! 😉


Steve made this lovely spoon today out of golden sassafrass (Atherosperma moschatum) a wonderful endemic timber. He is currently working out what he is going to make for the next Serendipity Farm spoon draw. It cost almost nothing to send Christi her spoons and I can’t imagine it would cost much more to send them anywhere else in the world so we are going to carry on with our spoon, spatuloon, spork…whatever floats Steve’s boat on the day giveaways…keep your eye open for your next chance to win a one of a kind Serendipity Wooden accoutrement

While I was out broadcasting chia (might head out with some quinoa and amaranth as well in a bit…) I noticed something interesting. When we hacked back the overgrowth in the side garden next to our bedroom I decided not to waste this green haul. I finely cut everything that I could up and returned it to the soil as a very meagre coating of mulch. Some of this mulch consisted of small chunks of Buddleia davidii that have taken root and grown into small shrubs! I realise that Buddleia davidii could be considered a bit weedy but again, if it lives in our conditions, indeed THRIVES in our conditions and can survive what this property can hurl at it, it is welcome to stay. We have butterflies all over the place thanks to the Buddleia’s and that can NEVER be a bad thing :o). Our friend in the witness protection gave us some cuttings that she struck from her Pentstemon’s. She gave them to us because these perennials put on a glorious show year after year no matter what Mother Nature throws at them. Now THAT is the sort of plant that we want on Serendipity Farm! Tough as old boots, drought tolerant, showy, pretty flowers and bee and butterfly attractant. I think I might ask her for some more cuttings so that I can grow some more and dot them all over the place. A Wikipedia search curiously omits to mention that it will be cockroaches and pentstemons left to repopulate the earth after the next great ice-age but I guess the writer was only interested in the “pretty” value and not the hardiness. I am going to have the best time hunting around finding all sorts of gorgeous hardy perennials, shrubs etc. to be planted here that will give Serendipity Farm its own personality. I can feel the love :o)


We headed up the hill today for our daily walk with the boys and after checking this little plant stall for anything desirable, I decided to take a photo and share it with you all. I have purchased lots of plants for Serendipity Farm from this little wooden stand


I was attempting to take photos of the flowers of this Coastal Tea-tree (Leptospermum laevigatum) and noticed this little fellow trying, vainly, to blend in with the background. Coastal Tea-trees are incredibly hardy and are endemic to our local area. When the seed sets I am going collecting and will be attempting to grow some of these hardy bee attracters for Serendipity Farm


Its no WONDER that little shiny insect was laying low! This rather more alarming insect is on the hunt for fodder for its young…


Not too sure what this leptospermum is but its on the property and it is incredibly happy that we liberated it from forget-me-nots last year. It is also well past “shrub” and is almost a small tree


Our driveway on the way back up to Serendipity Farm from our walk…nothing like having to walk up a 30 degree slope after a long walk!

The veggie garden is still going great guns and I picked 3 delightful small Lebanese cucumbers whilst looking for snow peas…I think finding produce that you weren’t even looking for makes you doubly happy as there is that serendipitous element when you are cutting back zucchini leaves and you suddenly find cucumbers sheltering en masse under the canopy…they are tasty little creatures too! Steve and I just ate 2 of them. He has a curiously U.K. desire to put them on his cheese sandwiches and to slice them up and pickle them…I love them straight with hummus which is how I had them for my lunch today. I recently read something very interesting “In a crisis situation, it isn’t the strongest or the most intelligent that survive…it is those that are the most able to adapt”…how interesting! The problem solvers survive eh? I have been trying to release my natural need to be in total control of everything this year. Last year saw us with a potential cataclysmic problem thanks to nothing that we could have prevented and I learned that “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. You need to be that person who takes it on the chin, who gets up and who finds a way through to the other side and I am in the process of learning how to weather storms. You have to be that problem solver, the one that they don’t eat because they are so incredibly valuable! I think that I am past “good eatin’” and am somewhat safe in that department but the reality is we are living in a rapidly changing world. Those of us who work to effect positive change on all levels in their lives are going to be more resilient than those who put their heads in the sand. I guess that is Serendipity Farm in a nutshell…an oasis of possibility and a plank/tightrope to walk for our own personal change. And there, my dear constant readers, I am going to leave this post for today. A bright summers weekend of possibilities lies ahead of us and we have all sorts of things to choose to do. Have a great one folks and see you on Wednesday where we may, or may not, have done something worth blogging about 😉


One of the little figs that we appropriated from under an overgrown unkempt fig in Beaconsfield whose branches had layered. We got 3 large fig cuttings and every single one of them survived the winter in the glasshouse and are loving living on Serendipity Farm…Fig futures!


Potato futures in one of our compost heaps


The first of our corn futures


I guess you would call these cucumber presents?


And last, but by no means the least (because they keep on growing…more and more of them…they NEVER STOP!)…Golden zucchini futures 🙂

28 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Pinky
    Jan 12, 2013 @ 21:53:02

    Lovely post as per usual Fronkii 🙂 Poor Effel. Mum will enjoy the company. The fact she still rests atop my sideboard is a worry which we will hopefully sort out soon. I know she wants to be with Granny. Can you email me the name of the cemetry that Gran is buried in so I can contact them about placing Mum next to her please Fronkii? I spent yesterday morning before work taking off all the apricots and placing them in plastic click seal bags then in a big black plastic one and have left it on top of the barbecue so the sun can solarise the fruit fly larvae. Have learnt my lesson there. :/


    • narf77
      Jan 12, 2013 @ 22:09:41

      I dare say the fruit fly maggots are learning theres as we speak! ;). I have NO idea where Gran is buried Pinky! I guess we are going to have to read mums diaries or something or get in contact with Betty and Gerard? They would know. Fruit flies are like teeny tiny little possums 😦


  2. Anthropogen
    Jan 13, 2013 @ 03:49:23

    Thanks for the reference! A brief update… since making that comment the chia have since flowered and produced seed. I grew them in a hardly ideal location, quite a bit of shade and so forth, yet they still seemed to do well. The seeds i germinated were ones I had purchased from the supermarket (intended for consumption yet still viable to germinate).


    • narf77
      Jan 13, 2013 @ 05:05:30

      Cheers for this reply Spencer, as anyone interested in growing chia will be able to take advantage of this new information. I broadcast the seed all over the garden in predominantly sunny spots. The chooks are not out scratching everything up over summer and so hopefully we should get some germination. You are welcome about the reference, your site is an amazing wealth of information and should be shared with everyone. Again, thanks for the update and it will be interesting to see how the chia goes here in Northern Tasmania. We are growing quinoa here in Tassie, the seed that I bought were local so lets see how the chia goes 🙂


  3. christiok
    Jan 13, 2013 @ 07:10:48

    I love the story of the Dookark Daughters and their carrying on after Effel’s passing. Hopefully she found a “portal to simple happiness and is exploring her world” as Steve and you do every week. I love reading how you both fall in love with something new every few days or weeks, and that we readers are the beneficiaries of your blovels, Fran. 🙂 I want to fall in love with plants and seeds, but somehow it’s not happening. Is my heart frozen? Perhaps. Our gardens sure are, but looking at your glorious green warms me. I do despair a bit with memories of last “summer”, which came so late and was so short, a couple of days in the 80-85F range was it. I’ve got a garden book specifically for the Pacific Northwest now, and am reading it along with a book about Storytelling, the craft I’ve always loved easily. I hope the two mate in my brain. Thanks for another lovely Saturday morning chapter!


    • narf77
      Jan 13, 2013 @ 07:27:58

      Both Storytelling and gardening are fundamental soul food…they release “you” into the world…same goes for art and music…creative ways to prospectively achieve imortality :). Gardening excites the living daylights out of me…I get this sort of exponential cloud of possibilities that eminates out of my ideas…I see a little walnut in a pot that I grew from a seed and I think “this little man might grow up to make walnut oil… some prospective familial generation may hug his ancient girth and give thanks for the person who planted him…living on in others thoughts…we can’t hope for much more than that :). Gardening isn’t only physical…being like Don Quixote Steve means that you think in the physical and in the “now”…my thoughts tend to go lateral and jump synapses regarding possibilities…I am not anchored in the here and now but can usually be found floating around inside my head in a little fortified coracle on the sea of possibilities…you got me early morning on day 5 of a green smoothie cleanse so sorry about the lilting lyrical words…I am feeling “clean” today :). When you are a very physical person (like you and Steve both are) you twitch for the “action” the “doing” and when you are cooped up it is hard to contain that energy… what about starting some seed indoors? Maybe do a bit of research about extremely short season crops? Have you researched Russian crops? I know that Russia has an extremely short growing season and whatever grows needs to be hardy as heck. There are always doorways to open…a problem is just a solution waiting for you to open the door and get excited by the possibilities :). Have a fantastic sunday while I float around on my clean cloud of happiness helping Steve in the shed to make spoons out of osage orange and learning to carve…time for me to put some of my creative mental processes into the physical 🙂 You can do it girl…you are a clever one 🙂


  4. ediblethings
    Jan 13, 2013 @ 07:58:51

    I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your hen.
    Today I am in love with that little plant shack, I would love to have one of those in my neighbourhood.
    One of the things that I want to get better at is taking cuttings, so I’ve gone to look out for how to make cuttings of penstemons. Even though I need plants to be edible in some way, so they wont have a place in my garden (but when I manage to get acreage, then maybe)
    Happy Weekend


    • narf77
      Jan 13, 2013 @ 11:00:42

      I started out hell bent on edible at all costs and realised that if you don’t mix them with flowers you are missing out on a lot of potential beneficials in your garden that can deal with your pest insect problem. They also attract birds and confuse the pest insects if they are planted in between your edibles…I LOVE permaculture :). Cuttings are easy and penstemons, lavenders, rosemary etc. are some of the easiest to take cuttings for. I have grown lavender by just breaking a woody bit off and sticking it into the ground!


  5. littlesundog
    Jan 13, 2013 @ 09:10:47

    Sorry to hear you lost Effel.
    I love all of your photos! I always feel like you’ve taken us on a memorable journey all around Serendipity Farm, stopping along the way to visit some especially interesting points, gathering a bit of history or taking note of some oddity. Always interesting and informative… and sometimes humorous!


    • narf77
      Jan 13, 2013 @ 11:09:22

      Sometimes it is a last minute panic stricken drag around Serendipity Farm with the camera because I have been busy and forgotten to take any photos for my post that needs to be posted in 10 minutes time! I live on the fringe ;). Cheers for liking the posts, I love getting comments and feedback on our life. It isn’t always easy to be a penniless student hippy but it is ALWAYS rewarding 🙂


  6. Roz Takes
    Jan 13, 2013 @ 15:15:26

    Sadness at the loss of Effel, she served you well and has left great progeny.
    Thanks for the information on Penstemons, I will definately grow some. I also need plants that can withstand the heat and lack of water.
    I love Buddlia but cannot remember seeing the golden one. Will search intently for it.
    Be careful what you ask for with Elderberry. I received a few from a sister-in-law, within a year I was pulling them out everywhere. They grow not only from the seeds spead in the wind but from the roots of the plant.
    Looking forward to my spoon.:-)
    Steve should take some to the markets would prove very popular. Steve, try Salad Servers. You can’t get a decent set anywhere, most of the ones for sale are from bamboo and have no spoon shape.


  7. Florida
    Jan 13, 2013 @ 16:24:15

    Happy New Year to all at Serendipity, have been reading and following all the doings of you all, but to lazy to reply. Sorry to hear about poor old Ethel, was she mother of any of the chicks that relocated to Westbury? If so she has 3 more grandchildren hatched by George(ina) on Xmas day. Can I go into the draw for a spoon as well, please.


    • narf77
      Jan 13, 2013 @ 20:17:56

      You are the very first person to be put in the spoon draw so you have number 1. You had best hope that Earl picks your walnut ;). Steve’s spoons are really lovely and he would be proud to have one in your wonderful kitchen :). Ethel was the grandmother of millions! She was the most prolific of all of our hens and she probably had a hand in some of the Westbury chapter of Serendipity Hens…a long and illustrious tradition of fine Tasmanian hen specimens ;). Glad you are still reading. We often think about you and wonder how you are settling in at your wonderful new Westbury home. We heard, from Guy, that you had a lovely Christmas at Greens Beach and that could only lead to a good start for the New Year…heres to sharing many a moment together via Serendipity Farm 🙂


  8. thinkingcowgirl
    Jan 15, 2013 @ 06:17:52

    Love the photo of the seed packets. I’m surprised buddleja isn’t an invasive species in australia as it seeds everywhere – it can be here in the uk, esp. in the wild (a garden escape!) where it shades out other native nectar plants which are needed over a long season…Let us know how the figs get on – here they fruit better if you restrict the roots, I guess mimicking their mediterranean heritage of stony soils, otherwise they just get huge and produce tons of foliage in our rich damp soils.


    • narf77
      Jan 15, 2013 @ 06:58:34

      Our entire property resides on a steep slope and you simply can’t dig because of all of the volcanic rock immediately below the surface…we ARE Greece! My fig trees will know the joy of “The Old Country” come hell or high water and inevitably I will enjoy those sweet nectarous orbs of heaven thanks to our dry, rocky sloped property that I fight to grow most things on…figs, pomegranates and olives…what’s not to love?! Might even plant some grape vines up there and make my own wine 😉


  9. Chica Andaluza
    Jan 15, 2013 @ 06:24:24

    Poor old Effel – sounds like she had a good life and is still playing her part. Our chicks try to hatch their little ones in all sorts of strange places, it´s amazing how resilient they are. And as for Steve, he should definitely carry on messing around in a boat…at least you know what he´s up to. WIll have to look out for some of those drought resistent plants once we´re back – some beautiful splashes of color you have there. God luck with the figs…we didn´t get to enjoy our crop this year but at least our lovely neighbours did 🙂


  10. Joanne
    Jan 15, 2013 @ 23:51:32

    It’s amazing how doing something good for yourself, even something as simple as making a green smoothie, can make you feel so much better about your day!


  11. Hannah (BitterSweet)
    Jan 16, 2013 @ 06:44:34

    Aw… the sad loss of Effel is at least tempered by the beauty of your photos. At least I’m not as miserably jealous as I would normally be of them, since I’m writing this while sitting in a cafe in… Hawaii! Ah, a little slice of sunshine all my own. I’m so happy. 🙂


  12. Finn Holding
    Jan 16, 2013 @ 07:40:31

    You’ve got some gorgeous insects in your neck of the woods, your cicada’s a beauty and the little irridescent green and orange chap must be ferociously toxic to have colours like that ’cause he ain’t gonna blend in!

    I know just how Steve feels when he’s fishing, it’s tremendous that he’s got a passion that floats his boat (please excuse the phraseology) in that way, I get he same feeling of purpose when I’m rooting around under a bush loking for fungi with my camera.


    • narf77
      Jan 16, 2013 @ 11:55:20

      I think what that little insect is saying is “Go ahead sucker…make my day!” he is what we Aussies ubiquitously like to call a “stink bug”…he has lots of friends in his stink bug fraturnity and his close (but fatter) mates the harliquin bugs are even more spectacular than he is but pack a mighty stinky punch if one should attempt to suck on one…I accidentally ate a stinkbug on a forkfull of spinach once…I check my spinach, fork by fork now and that was 20 years ago! Stinky memories like that are hard to erase! ;). Steve is out fishin (floating) now in his boat. He loves the serenity of time to spend with the breeze blowing, the sun on his back and manly time to ruminate over all of those things that men ruminate over. We are in the process of encouraging all kinds of fungi to grow on Serendipity Farm. We used a top dressing/mulch of spent mushroom compost on our veggie gardens and got some AMAZING results! In the beetroot/English spinach garden the beetroot are apparently living in symbiosis with Peziza repanda and both beets and cup fungus are doing admirably. We are also in the process of encouraging all different kinds of fungi into our compost heaps by using the wood shavings from Steves exotic woods to see what will grow. I love rootling around in the compost heap looking for fungi. I first got seriously into fungi when forced to turn the stinky communal compost heap at Polytechnic…suddenly everyone else had “something else” to do and it was up to me to get thigh deep in some mighty foetid stuff (grumbling all the way…) but as I removed the boards at the front of the compost heap I discovered some amazing mycelium living on the chipped eucalyptus that we had added that extended down a metre into the heap and I was hooked! If I could get back up again once I got down into my crawling position I dare say I would stay there crawling around hunting for fungus all day but someone has to cook dinner around here so the fungi has to be an adventitious find 😉


  13. Kym
    Jan 19, 2013 @ 16:53:30

    Good old Ethel. I can just picture her with your mum x. I do envy that plant shack, if I could find a phone box and transport myself over there then I would be very happy lol.


  14. Sophie33
    Jan 22, 2013 @ 04:27:25

    Such a lovely post this was! Your garden is thriving!

    In Summertime, I also grown my own green & yello zucchinis! I also grow red cherry & yellow medium tomatoes, also spinach, salad leaves, radishes, yellow paprikas, multicolured beets etc! Thanks foir the tips & tricks too!


    • narf77
      Jan 22, 2013 @ 04:36:26

      Would you like to enter the draw to win the wooden spoon Sophie? Just let me know ASAP if you do because it is drawn Tomorrow (our time). You don’t have to do anything to win it, you just have to want a spoon ;).


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